The Bristol Urology Associates (BUA) aim to ensure that high standards of service exist at every level of the organisation.
If things go wrong, wherever possible, we will take action to put them right. We endeavour to respond positively to issues raised by our patients to ensure the provision of a better quality of care and service.
How to complain
If you are not happy about any aspect of the service we provide, please tell the staff member you are dealing with or ask to speak to the person in charge. It is easier to put things right if the problem is brought to our attention straight away. Staff will listen to what you have to say and try to sort out the problem.
If they are unable to help, or you are not satisfied with their response, you may make a formal complaint in writing by contacting:
Kibi Wright or Kate Persad
Practice Managers
Bristol Urology Associates
85 Alma Rd, Clifton
Or please feel free to call on 0117 9804118. If no one is able to answer please leave a message with your name and telephone number. Your call will be dealt with within 12 hours.
How we will respond
Your complaint, whether written or verbal, will be acknowledged and a written response will be given within 2 working days.
We guarantee a full response and outcome will be given within 20 working days. If this is not possible then an explanation of reasons for the delay will be given in writing.
This response will outline the stages of the investigation and any action taken. If you are still dissatisfied after the BUA complaints procedure is completed you can ask the Independent Healthcare Advisory Services to investigate your case.
Their contact details are:
Independent Healthcare Advisory Service
Centre Point
103 New Oxford Street
London, WC1A 1DU
020 7379 8598